SGE experience room

Informing Dutch immigrants about the Dutch healthcare system
Field of work

Service design, product design, Dutch healthcare system

Tools of trade

Qualitative interviews, customer journey map, thematic analysis, concept development


The Eindhoven Corporation of Primary Health Care Centers (SGE) recognizes a lack of trust among internationals or expats in Eindhoven towards the traditional Dutch healthcare system. This deprives them of potential clients, and also results in lower-than-desirable reviews and return rates. To address this, our team of four industrial designers created an experience room for expats and Dutch immigrants. This local or mobile space provides information about the Dutch healthcare system, regulations, providers, insurance companies, and differences with other healthcare systems. The information is conveyed through interactive installations within the room.


An investigation by SGE found a lack of trust among expats and new Dutch immigrants towards the Dutch healthcare system, resulting in lower return rates and visits to doctors. Expats reported a lack of information and clear feedback before their first visit to their practitioner, leading to confusion about the differences between the Dutch system and their own.

There is currently no proper introduction in place for new patients, with many necessary steps often not taken until they arrive in the Netherlands.

User research

Five interviews were conducted with exchange students and expats. The aim of my research was to gain an understanding of the following aspects:

  • Determine how and from whom they obtained information on how to sign up for a general practitioner.
  • The expats' first appointment experience.
  • The challenges faced by expats during the process.
  • Creating a comprehensive user journey map of the entire service.

Qualitative interviews

The objective was to thoroughly map out the complex journey of various users and their experiences with the Dutch healthcare system. To accomplish this, I collected information from end users to comprehend the difficulties they encounter and how they envision a solution that can effectively relieve the challenges and improve their overall experience.

"I won't get the same medicine as I have back home from my general practitioner, therefore I sometimes bring my own from China and try to make it last, as long as I can"

- Bachelor student

"When you do not know where to go it is common that you ask other students. I have been here longer, so a lot of chinese students ask me for help."

- Student that has been in the Netherlands for 5-6 years

"There is definitely a lack of guidance, I have to figure out a lot of things myself. Also when making an appointment, I had to call multiple times, which can be annoying."

- Chinese expat


After conducting user interviews, contextual inquiry and analyzing the gathered data, I was able to translate the insights into the following categories.

Healthcare attitudes and beliefs:

  • Expats or new Dutch immigrants feel distrust towards the Dutch healthcare system, preferring their home country's approach and attitudes.
  • The expats find the explanations of the Dutch system understandable with proper explanation.

Introduction process:

  • There is currently no proper introduction in place for expats from their arrival to their first doctor's appointment, leading to confusion and a lack of necessary steps being taken.

SGE's plans:

  • SGE had planned a 45-minute intake conversation for new patients, but this was not carried out, and expats did not know it existed.

Time and effectiveness:

  • SGE's plans require a lot of time from professionals and may not come at the most effective stage.

User journey map and persona

From the interviews a user journey map was created that encompasses the first consultation with a general practitioner. From this map it becomes clear that many problems can be solved if there was an introduction process in place before their first consultation, but after their arrival in the Netherlands.

Red and blue wearable


SGE experience room

By working together with the institutions that employ or serve expats and new Dutch immigrants, we provide a proper introduction to Dutch healthcare. This is done through the use of an experience room. What we mean by that is the use of a local or mobile space specifically geared towards informing people on the way that healthcare is set up in the Netherlands.

The information covered in this particular space are:

A visit to this space can take anywhere between 5 and 30 minutes, allowing customers to forward any information they find interesting to themselves before they leave. Most large institutions that serve or employ a large number of expats have introductory periods in which they help these newcomers get everything on track. As an organization, this is where we look to partner up with these institutions. As part of their introductory time, internationals can be left to explore the experience room, of which a mobile version could even be brought to the location of the respective institution. Alternatively, their employer (or other figure of authority) could allow them a certain time to visit the room off work-site. Information within the room could even be tailored specifically to the institution that the international visiting is associated with.

Storyboard: Introduction to the SGE experience room

Choose your doctor

The first installation within the experience room is a telephone stand with a screen. The screen displays several introductions and professional identities from available general practitioners at SGE with their working location. This profile page includes a photo, a personal introduction which is voiced by the respective doctor and an option to save your choice. The voiced introduction can be listened to through the telephone. This interaction should mimic a telephone conversation with the general practitioner. Choosing your own doctor gives a feeling of autonomy and visitors leave the installation with a feeling of who fits them best.

Choose your doctor.

Experiences from other internationals

In the middle of the room there is an interactive touchscreen table that displays avatars from previous visitors and expats who have been living in the Netherlands for a few years. When clicking on one of these avatars a short description of the person will be given and a video will be shown in which the person will share his or her personal experience with SGE. To give a little bit more perspective to the visitors about the Dutch healtcare system, the internationals in the video's share some differences and similarities with the healthcare system in their origin country and the Dutch healtcare system.

Interactive touchscreen table that shows experiences from other expats and internationals.

Find a pharmacy

Lastly, an interactive map of Eindhoven will be displayed on several touchscreens. On these maps all SGE locations and pharmacies are mapped. When clicking on one of the locations a brief summary of the pharmacy is given. After using the installation, visitors will know where to get their medicine and how pharmacies in the Netherlands work. The adress of choosen pharmacies will be forwarded to you and printed on your personal phamflet.

Interactive map that displays pharmacies and SGE locations.


To get a better understanding of the problem a thorough target group analysis was conducted. For this analysis we held semi-structured interviews with expats, international students and SGE representatives. We created a customer journey map that shows the pains and problems of expats and internationals who just arrived in the Netherlands who need to find a new general practitioner. It was found that there is currently no proper introduction in place that takes expats through the steps from them first arriving to their first doctor’s appointment. To solve this problem we created a concept of an interactive experience room that introduces the Dutch healthcare system to internationals and expats. Expats will be better prepared and will have knowledge on the Dutch healthcare system through the various installations. To make the experience more personal, visitors will get a phamlet with personalized information.


Interested in this project and want to know more about it? Send me an email :)!